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China is an ancient civilization with a history of five thousand years. Its profound cultural heritage and rich natural landscapes attract tourists from all over the world. On this multicultural stage, there is a city named Qingyuan, located in the north of Guangdong Province. It is the political, economic, and cultural center of northern Guangdong and one of the most charming cities in China. Today, let's walk into Qingyuan together, feel the unique charm of this city, and see how she moves from east to west and becomes the focus of global attention.


Qingyuan, the name itself is full of poetry. Qing, means fresh and clean; Yuan, implies profoundness and vastness. This name appropriately depicts the natural scenery and humanistic atmosphere of Qingyuan. Located in the middle section of the Nanling Mountains, Qingyuan has a terrain that rises from west to east, with mild climate and distinct four seasons. The picturesque landscape of mountains, rivers, and fields here is a sought-after ecological tourist destination.


The beauty of Qingyuan is first reflected in her natural scenery. Here, there are the highest peak in Guangdong, Shikenggang, the Liannan Yao Autonomous County known as "the Emerald on the Tropic of Cancer", and the Qingtang Town in Yingde City, which is praised as "the most beautiful village in China". These natural landscapes attract countless tourists with their unique charm.


The beauty of Qingyuan is also reflected in her humanistic atmosphere. This is the cultural center of northern Guangdong, with rich historical and cultural heritage. The people of Qingyuan love culture and art, especially traditional cultural activities such as Cantonese opera, dragon boat race, which are deeply loved by people. In addition, Qingyuan is also a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in China, where overseas Chinese and their descendants are scattered all over the world. They have made great contributions to the development of their hometown with their hard work.


The beauty of Qingyuan is more reflected in her potential for development. In recent years, the Qingyuan Municipal Government has actively promoted green development and vigorously developed industries such as eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and agricultural tourism, making Qingyuan a popular tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. At the same time, Qingyuan is also an important industrial base in Guangdong Province, especially in high-tech industries such as electronic information, biomedicine, and new materials, which have significant advantages.


From East to West, Qingyuan has won global attention with its unique charm. It is a vibrant city, full of hope. Its beauty is not only reflected in its natural scenery and cultural atmosphere, but also in its development potential and future prospects.


Qingyuan, a Chinese city worth showcasing to the world. Her beauty is the charm of the East and the expectation of the West. Let's walk into Qingyuan together, feel the unique charm of this city, and see how she moves from the East to the West, becoming the focus of global attention.

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